#6. The Entrepreneurial Journey #1 - Interview with Livelike's CEO Miheer Walavalkar

Welcome to the entrepreneurial journey, a new series of episode that will be showcasing CEO and startup founders that have been brave and bold enough to launch their business and create their product within the sports industry.  For this first episode, we have invited Miheer Walavalkar, Co-founder & CEO of Livelike Inc

What is Livelike? 

"LiveLike is on a mission to convert passive audiences into engaged communities"

Media companies from around the world turn to them to transform their platforms into communal and interactive viewing experiences.

Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup, NBA Playoffs, French Open, European soccer and more have all worked with LiveLike to bring their fans closer to the action. They empower their partners to enhance their platforms with features such as watch parties and gamification, helping them attract younger audiences, increase session lengths and improve retention, resulting in new monetization opportunities.


We've been through Miheer's entire journey until the creation of Livelike, the beginning with the Virtual Reality and now the Audience Engagement Platform. We have been focusing on his entrepreneurial journey and the sacrifice to be made if you want your company to be successful. A passionating discussion between two friends as our CEO Samuel Westberg has been working with Miheer for more than 10 years. 

Episode's timeline:

- Miheer's personal and professional background

- What got him to work in sports? An opportunity or an early objective?

- What makes a great entrepreneur? Who would be a reference in the space?

- The idea of the work discipline he has as well as all other entrepreneurs should have

- His favorite parts of the entrepreneurial journey and the ones he dislikes the most

- Specific LiveLike case - one of the most important players in the Sports VR space

- The pivot and focus on the new social engagement platform vs VR. 

- A moment to get relax because the right team/processes are in place

- The most stressful about the perspective of becoming too big to be in a position to control everything

- The major change coming up in the sports industry

- His ideal position if it wasn’t being LiveLike’s CEO


Apple: https://lnkd.in/dweaC7S

Spotify: https://lnkd.in/dt9hMTz

Deezer: https://lnkd.in/dAxxRBK


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