Report: Digital Transformation In Football Clubs
Over the past few years, we've had the privilege of speaking with leaders in the football industry about the challenges and opportunities presented by a digital transformation strategy.
Digital transformation is no longer an option but a necessity for football clubs. It allows them to grow quickly in various areas, from fan engagement to sports performance. In this document, we aim to bring together the insights and perspectives of our interviewees to provide a comprehensive overview of how football leads their digital transformation journeys.
While new technologies can be powerful tools for transformation, they are only one part of the larger picture. Sports organisations looking to engage in digital transformation must approach it as a holistic, company-wide initiative. This means involving all employees and stakeholders in the process, accompanying them along the way best to understand their problems and their use of new solutions. In doing so and working to foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, they can genuinely drive the expected change.
“If we think that innovation is doing things differently and better than they are done today, digital transformation is using digital technologies to do exactly that. Innovation is not always digital transformation, and many people make this mistake; you can innovate without using digital technologies.”
The sports industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by digital technologies, and the insights shared by industry leaders during our interviews provide valuable guidance for other organisations looking to embark on their digital transformation journey.
At LaSource, we believe that focusing on fan engagement, data analysis, and agility can help organisations achieve their digital transformation goals.